Jenkins can be quite tricky when you need to define conditional logic within the dsl, but not specifically in script {} block. The latter allows for any plain groovy code, so that’s quite easy. But sometimes you need team interaction; in such cases it’s useful to resort to the input() method. The most common scenario is when want a basic approve/abort, so there you just do:

stage('User consent') {
        steps {
            input 'Deploy to production?'

But what happens if you want to go further and perform some action on abort?
The most obvious way forward for me was to wrap the input step into a try/except, as suggested by Cloudbees. The action is taken upon abort click, then except code is called:

try {
    userInput = input(
        id: 'Proceed1', message: 'Was this successful?', parameters: [
        [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'Please confirm you agree with this']
} catch { // abort clicked
    // Your remediation code goes here

Looks nice, however, if the userInput is not available. You cannot check if the user has put a tick or not when the build was aborted:

    } catch { // abort clicked
        if (userInput) {
            // This won't work! `userInput` is not defined within this scope

You could wrap code in a try/except/finally, but that heavily bloats the pipeline.
So what’s the best way? KISS! Use abort for a complete abort of the job and use conditional logic for everything else. Here’s a stage view:

stage('User consent') {
    script {
        userInput = input(
            id: 'Proceed1', message: 'Something has changed. Choose an action to take.', parameters:
                [choice(name: 'Action', choices: 'Abort reverting last commit\nProceed to deployment', description: '')])
            if (userInput == 'Abort reverting last commit') {
                dir('checkout-repo') {
                        sh """
                            git revert --no-commit ${commit}
                            git commit -m 'Jenkins revert: rollback ${commit} on abort'
                            git push origin HEAD:master
                currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
                error("Job aborted, reverted changes made in last commit")

This way, things can’t go wrong. If a user is presented with a selection to abort and revert or to proceed with the deployment. Depending on the choice, after clicking approve, the appropriate action will be taken, but proceed is not processed: the pipeline just goes on. Only if abort is clicked, then the pipeline get’s aborted completely.